Is Pop Culture Good for You?


Everyone is surrounded by pop culture in our society today. It is everywhere. From watching TV, to reading magazines, being on social media, and just browsing the internet. Pop culture is the entirety of ideas, perspectives, attitudes, images and other phenomena that are within the mainstream of a given culture. The question, Is Pop Culture Good for You? 

Pop Culture makes a great impact in our society today. The main problem with pop culture is that some people think that it can dumb us down and it can and in some situations, it already has. It also promotes violence in today’s youth. It could do the exact opposite. Pop Culture is just another thing to learn about in life. It could actually help us think more complex to figure out what is going to happen in the next episode in our favorite TV shows. It can even have the youth reading at an early age just to figure out what is happening in the magazines, and to be able to text family and friends. Also, it could help us learn more about the issues in today’s world through the use of browsing the internet. 

This is an article about watching TV we read and discussed in class, Author Steven Johnson makes the argument of how TV is more complex and it makes you smarter, which is fitting for the article title “Watching TV Makes You Smarter.” Johnson discusses how TV has become more complex by the use of more than one plot line in a story, instead there is multiple plot lines following many different characters. This is the structure of most of the television shows we watch today. This is something most people didn’t even think about at first, but while and after reading the article, it shows us how TV shows make us think having a more in-depth storyline, and make the people have to think of what would happen next. It is said that watching TV or even playing video games enhances our cognitive facilities. 

When I read the article, I did some thinking and was so interested in this question, Does watching TV indeed make me smarter? I would say yes because most of the shows I watch on a regular basis helps me understand the concepts easily and comfortably. This also made me think of the phrase, Televised intelligence. All of us feel intelligent ourselves while watching shows on television and it’s important to pay close attention to the characters, hosts, and people we watch. Johnson makes us realize while watching a show, we have to understand everything that is happening. The magic happens on our screens and all that TV makes us want to do is watch more TV.


  1. Remember to use evidence from ALL sources in the module. Blogs needs to be 500-750 words.


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