Justin’s Autobiography


 Hello! I’m Justin Hyppolite. 

I’m majoring in Media Arts at NJCU and this is my second to third year and I’m enjoying every minute of it. I’ve always been interested in being in the television industry and it’s my dream. The reason why I took this class is because I am sometimes a fan of literature stuff. I’ve taken classes that involves literature and it helped me to understand a lot more on things but this one seemed interesting to me and this got me out of my comfort zone. As a person who has autism, I sometimes have a hard time talking and getting my words out. There will be times where I do want to talk and then I would prefer texting and typing the words out. 

I love art. It’s my second favorite thing to do. I do a lot of pen artwork, colorful and digital art pieces and I’ve done it for a long time now in classes, and in most of the start of the pandemic and ever since then, art is my second passion and I consider myself as a creative person when it comes to art. I draw and create a lot of cool artwork I do and it’s the thing I do when I’m feeling down. Below is a vase with flowers I drew along with a cup and a jar for art class in high school and a colorful Mona Lisa I drew for another art class. 



When thinking about my early experiences of becoming literate, I think about my two biggest supporters, my parents. They helped me a lot about reading books and how it is fun to read and go to imaginary places we’ve never been. Also, my teachers helped me gain my confidence on reading and I was encouraged because at first at a young age, I didn’t want to read but then after reading one book, I always think to myself, I went somewhere magical that I’ve never been or traveled to before. My literature classes were mainly focused on this topic and we have read a lot of stories and different kinds of issues happening in our nation and what made is fun is that we sometimes read books that are fun. 

As I continue planning to think about my earliest experiences as a learner, I began to feel literate when I first wrote my papers back in school for assignments and finals. I tend to enjoy all activities involved with listening and viewing because I learned to have more conversations with people and friends and taking notes in my classes and I’m doing those things more often now I’m in college and I think that is more important than ever. What always frustrated me was that for assignments in previous classes, I had to do a paper that has 1,000 words and I said, how am I going to do that before it’s due. So, what made it a little easier was when I did when it was given out and do it early as possible. My role models were and always will be my mom and dad. They have always been there for me and I will always be grateful for that.

About literacy, I feel like everyone will have to learn more and more about this and it’s important to have these skills because if someone lacks on these strengths, that’s a disadvantage. Where there is literacy, there is illiteracy too. This is due to the difference of rural and urban people. Huge illiterate people are found in mainly rural areas due to lack of education families. Literacy brings awareness among the people. 


  1. Looking forward to getting to know you better. LOVE the artwork!


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