Are We Really Only Products of Our Environment?

Are we humans the products of our environment? Yes, it's true but at the same time this doesn't necessarily mean the end product, does it? No, our environment doesn't have to define where we end up in the future. You can't choose what family we were born into, what area and town you lived in, what type of education you got or what type of people, experiences or opportunities you were exposed to. Our parents... Our childhood gave us our baseline values and beliefs. These are the things we were taught and shown as a child. Most people are the way they are due to how they were raised, follow a particular religion because that's all they have ever known. Our early years play a major role in our lives. This does not have to define us though. As we get older, we start to realize that we have choice in how we choose to live our lives.

This made me think about a quote from cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead, "The notion that we are products of our environment is our greatest sin; we are products of our choices." Every one of us is a product of our environment to a certain extent. Now, whether you wish to remain there is your decision. We all have been given the free will and the choice to be where we want to be. Are you where you want to be? If you grew up in a rough neighborhood like me, you would learn to be tough just to survive. If you are also in a tough spot and hit rock bottom, you will also learn to be tough just to survive.

Our intelligence gives us the ability to adapt to whatever we are exposed to and unlike the animals of the earth, we have the power of reason to make moral choices based on thought given to possible future outcome. Not only are we products of our environment, but also our role models: family as well. Our genetics are in there too. Our family has more of a direct influence on me and all of us and it helps me a lot to interact with our environment. The interesting thing about this is that our environment affects the kind of person we become outside our family's influence.

We all have a choice; we can choose to accept our circumstances; we can choose to believe something blindly because this is just what we've been taught, or we can choose to do the total opposite. We can make the choice to question things, change our values and beliefs if they do not serve us for the good, why must you just accept that people from your background do not go to a college/university or are only suitable to do certain jobs. When you get to that point, you start to ask questions. For example: Why can I not start your own company? Why can't you travel the world? Why? Why not? 

Regardless of your situation or upbringing, we shouldn't put limits on our lives by putting a limit on your life will not be the reason why don't you try. Another thing to point out is that the environment influences which traits are successful and get passed on. Before long, those organisms are directly products of their environment. This phenomenon chiefly occurs when the environment holds all the power over the organism. So, to us humans when it comes to us, we are social animals, and we influence and are influenced by those around us. 


  1. I agree with your statement basically saying we make our own destiny and our environment doesn't chose it for us. I also really like how you threw that quote in there from Margaret Mead about being the products of our choices because it's true.

  2. Hi Justin,
    Yes I agree with you about the fact that we are social animals and we influence and are influenced by those around us. Because people are in a big environment, all influences are mutual, and this makes everyone different.

  3. Hi Justin,
    This is all well said and very inspirational. I connect with the quote you used in the beginning Margaret Mead, "The notion that we are products of our environment is our greatest sin; we are products of our choices." Too many of us have been mistaken by this very idea that where we come from determines who we are! But in all honesty, its not. We are the one who create paths for our success leading to our destiny. It starts with us and how we perceive ourselves, not what another one may think. Although we may live in a mutual environment with mutual influences, are choices outcomes are what makes us distinct.

  4. Hi Justin,
    You are absolutely right we are only products of our environment to a certain extent. Many of us have been led to believe that our origins determine who we are, and this is not true. We are the ones who create the paths that lead to success. Our perception of ourselves determines our choices. We can make our own unique decisions no matter what the environment is like. YOU are in full control of your life and the decisions you take!


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